Lesson #1 Crossbody Travel Bag

Download the Pattern

This is where the disclaimer comes in.  Since I’m not a pattern maker and being one is not a life dream, you’re a victim of my choice to offer the pattern but in the easiest possible way.. You’re lucky I can create a pdf!  If you’re experienced at making bags, some of this will come naturally and in fact you’ll probably be skilled in methods I haven’t even imagined.  On the other hand, if you’re newer at sewing bags or if you work best with a fully developed pattern, this project might not be for you. Or possibly you’d like to use some scrap fabric and make a muslin to see if it works for you. That’s how I started out, and when making the final version I used it for one trip, decided on changes I wanted and then harvested the zippers and strap from the muslin, re-using them in the final version.

Above is a file with a master pattern (piece A) and the 3 Front Pattern Pieces (B, C and D) from which many of the pieces will be cut.  For other pieces such as the gusset, the zipper placket and some of the pockets, measurements will be provided as we go along.

Print the master pattern and tape the 3 parts together to form the master.  You’ll use this over and again.  

The pattern contains 3 important markings, which correspond to key parts of the gusset.

  • #1 is the point at which the gusset meets the zipper placket and where the strap is attached at the top of the bag.
  • #2 is the point where the bottom of the water bottle carrier is attached.
  • #3 is the point where the base of the bag meets the zipper placket and the strap is attached at the bottom of the bag.
Seam Allowance:  generous ¼” unless stated otherwise.

Cutting the Outer Fabric:

  • Front:  cut one each of upper front, middle front and bottom front pattern pieces. Grainlines are not marked on the pattern however you’ll want to have the grain running vertically. (Wouldn’t you think I’d have remembered to mark the grainline? Oops!)
  • Back: cut one from master pattern, remembering that the back must mirror the front fabric.
  • Zipper strips: Cut 2 pieces 2-¼ x 17” from outer fabric.
  • Gusset: Using the following guide, cut the 2 pieces.

Obviously there will be many more pieces to cut, for which you’ll receive the instructions as we proceed.

The next time we’ll start to sew the bag front, so you’ll need 2 zippers and also, have your lining ready as we’ll cut and sew the front lining. In the mean time, if you have questions, leave them in the comments below.

Until next time……

2 thoughts on “Lesson #1 Crossbody Travel Bag

  1. Thank you so much. I may have missed it but a supplies list might be a good addition so that we can order the hardware, etc. that’s called for.

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